ASPI: China leads in “critical” technologies

Jamie Wright: This is insane! China leads in almost all “critical” technologies — ASPI

According to the Australia Strategic Policy Institute, China ranks number one in 53 of the world’s 64 most critical advanced technologies.

Advanced manufacturing – 13/13

In advanced manufacturing, China leads in all 13 fields. The US finishes a very distant second in most cases, and is beaten by India as well on three occasions. In smart materials, for example, China boasts 42.6% of the world’s market share, while India occupies a little over 8% and the US claims only 7%.

Top Five Countries

Advanced information & communication technologies – 6/7

In advanced information & communication technologies, China leads in 6 of the 7 core sectors. In 5G & 6G, China has more capacity than the next four nations combined.

Artificial intelligence technologies – 4/6

In artificial intelligence, China leads 4 of the 6 fields, particularly excelling in advanced data analytics, AI algorithms & hardware. The US takes two top spots, specifically in advanced integrated circuits (chips) and natural language processing.

Biotech, gene technology & vaccines – 4/7

Biotech is the only sector where the US picks up three number 1 positions. China, however, still leads, ranking first in 4 of the 7 fields.

Defence & space, robotics & transportation – 5/7

Interestingly, China leads in defence despite the US spending more than the next 10 nations combined. China leads in 5 of the 7 defence, space, robotics & transportation industries. The biggest lead is in hypersonic detection, with a whopping 73.2% of the global market share. Next is in advanced aircraft engines (48.5%) and drones (36.1%). The US is only ahead in small satellites, and fractionally ahead in space launch systems.

Energy & Environment — 8/8

Quantum — 3/4

Sensing, timing & navigation — 7/9

This is another surprising sector where China dominates. Considering the US government invented the Global Positioning System (GPS) and the British led much of the world’s earlier navigational advances, China now leads in 7 of the 9 sensing/timing & navigation fields. In inertial navigation systems, China dominates with 44%, the US follows with 12.5%, and the UK has 4.2%.

Unique AUKUS Technologies 3/3

This interesting category, comprised of autonomous underwater vehicles, electronic warfare and something called “air-independent compact energy generation,” is also dominated by China. Indeed, despite being named “unique AUKUS technologies,” China is ahead in all three sectors & has more capacity than the next four nations combined.

World’s #1 technological superpower

Clearly, the writing is on the wall. On top of being the world’s largest economy (PPP) and the world’s number one trading partner, China is the world’s formemost technological superpower.

Sure, critics may say, “But, China can’t even make its own 5nm chips” — and they’re right, for now. But, seriously, how long will this be the case? What’s more, chips represent only 1 of 64 “critical technologies.” China leads in 53 future critical technologies (82%).

Three Important Facts to Emerge:

1. Decoupling is Near-Impossible

The US is already reliant on Chinese technology for its economic stability. Add rare earths into the mix and the leverage gained from its huge dollar holdings, and it seems unlikely that the US will pull the trigger on a full-scale economic, trade & financial war any time soon. More likely, it will continue (to no avail) placing sanctions on certain Chinese companies and sectors while trying to discourage investment.

2. The End of History is a Myth

Remember that article by a much-lauded economist claiming the West had won absolute ideological victory (after the fall of the Soviet Union) and that the rest of the world must get in line & follow the Western liberal model?

Well, those days too are over. China’s rise to become the world’s leading economic, trade & technological superpower — all without firing a single shot — has shown that an alternative political and economic model does, in fact, exist.

3. A New World is Emerging

The economic, technological and geopolitical realities have shifted. The era of US hegemony is over and a new multipolar world is slowly emerging. How long before there is systemic institutional change at the global level? My guess is within the next five years, that is to say within the current terms of Xi, Putin and the next US president — Europe is largely irrelevant.

Original 37/44 China Dominance: Lead country and technology monopoly risk

~ by Japheth on May 22, 2024.

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